The Home Secretary aims to break the vicious circle between disadvantage and crime 内政大臣力图打破贫困和犯罪之间的恶性循环。
In an embarrassing climb-down, the Home Secretary lifted the deportation threat. 内务大臣尴尬地作出让步,解除了将其驱逐出境的威胁。
The study received a lukewarm response from the Home Secretary. 内政大臣对这项研究反应不是很热烈。
Central responsibility lies with the Lord Chancellor the Home Secretary and the Attorney General. 中央政府的司法工作主要由大法官、内政大臣和检察总长负责。
In an effort to streamline the process, Theresa May, home secretary, announced last summer that Chinese tourists would be permitted to use the same website to apply for both a British and a Schengen visa. 为了简化程序,英国内政大臣特雷莎梅(TheresaMay)去年夏天宣布,中国游客将可使用同一网站申请英国签证和申根签证。
According to her advisers, the home secretary wants the next Conservative manifesto to propose that non-EU students must leave the UK after graduation before applying for a new visa of any kind. 据她的顾问称,这位内政大臣希望明年的保守党竞选纲领提议,非欧盟留学生必须在毕业后离开英国,而后再申请所需的任何新签证。
The chancellor and David Cameron, the prime minister, both view Ms May with suspicion: the leaking of her latest initiative on immigration to the media before Christmas was seen as an attempt by the home secretary to bolster her appeal to the Tory right. 奥斯本和英国首相戴维•卡梅伦(DavidCameron)都对梅持怀疑态度:她的最新移民计划在圣诞节前被泄露给了媒体,被视为内政部试图增强梅对保守党右翼的吸引力。
The chaos has piled pressure on immigration minister Damian Green and critics are calling on Home Secretary Theresa May to intervene. 类似骚乱对英国移民部长达米安-格林构成压力,还有批评人士呼吁英国内政大臣特里萨•梅伊参与协调。
Last summer Theresa May, home secretary, streamlined the system by allowing Chinese visitors to use the same website to apply for a British and a Schengen visa. 去年夏天,英国内政大臣特里萨•梅(TheresaMay)精简了手续,允许中国游客使用同一个网站申请英国和申根签证。
The Home Secretary was continued in office. 内政部长继续留任。
Proposals to curb the powers of the home secretary. 抑制内政大臣权力的提案。
London's metropolitan police force is directly under the control of home secretary. 但伦敦警察署直接与内政大臣管辖。
The changes are expected to be part of a root and branch overhaul of the British system for awarding visas, settlement and citizenship to people from outside the European Union, which will be announced by the home secretary on Tuesday afternoon. 预计这些修改将是英国向欧盟(EU)以外地区公民发放签证、授予居留权和公民身份制度全面改革的一部分。英国内政大臣将于周二下午宣布这项改革计划。
The home secretary has been canvassing support for his new crime bill. 内政大臣一直在为新的犯罪法案寻求支持。
The home secretary has obtained an injunction against the newspaper. 内政大臣获得了惩戒这家报社的禁令。
Group of people appointed by the home secretary to visit and inspect the condition in prison. 由内政大臣指派巡视检查监狱条件的一组人。
The home secretary has ruled out immediate tax increases to plug the gap. 内政大臣已经排除了立即增加税收以填补此缺口的可能性。
A letter was leaked from the home secretary last week opposing plans by the culture secretary to attract more Chinese tourists by simplifying visa bureaucracy. 上周曝出了一封内政大臣的信,信中反对文化大臣通过简化签证制度来吸引更多中国游客的计划。
In britain, the position of home secretary is one of the three most important offices of state. 在英国,内政部长是三个最重要的政府官员之一。
Today the Home Secretary has announced to the UK Parliament the results of this extensive consultation process. 今天,内政大臣对英国议会宣布了经过广泛咨询后的结果。
Plans to restrict employment for workers from Romania and Bulgaria were unveiled by John Reid, the UK Home Secretary on Tuesday. 英国内政大臣约翰里德(johnreid)周二公布计划,对雇用罗马尼亚和保加利亚工人实施限制。
A five-year strategy on migration was published by the British Prime Minister Tony Blair and the Home Secretary Charles Clarke in february. 英国移民工作之五年计划是首相托尼布莱尔和内务大臣查尔斯克拉克于今年二月提出的。
He rounded off his career by becoming home secretary. 他担任内政大臣一职,在事业上已登峰造极了。
G. K. Pillai, home secretary, said the government was sending notices to the two Internet companies asking them to set up servers in India so that Indian intelligence agencies can monitor e-mail and chat conversations on their systems. 印度内政部长皮莱(g.k.pillai)称,印度政府已向这两家互联网公司发出通知,要求他们在印度设立服务器,使得印度情报机构得以监控它们系统上的电子邮件和聊天记录。
The Home Secretary asked a consultant psychiatrist to determine whether she ought to be released ( or transferred to hospital) on health grounds. 内务大臣叫精神病顾问医生决定是否应该由于健康原因将她释放(或转移到医院)。
But it reached new heights in June last year when home secretary Theresa May introduced an interim annual cap of 24,100 non-EU work visas. 但去年6月,当英国内政大臣特里萨梅伊(TheresaMay)决定把非欧盟工作签证年度配额暂时限制在2.41万个时,这种紧张关系达到了新的高度。
By 2012, however, the home secretary was claiming that, without immigration, house prices would be lower and wages higher, and that every 100 immigrants put 23 British workers out of a job. 但到了2012年,英国内政大臣却声称,如果没有移民,房价将比现在低,工资将比现在高,每100位移民会让23名英国劳动者失业。
Home Secretary David Blunkett said it is important to have more patrol officers if the government is to control the soaring levels of robbery and violence on the streets. 内政部长布伦基特说,要遏制上升的街头抢劫和暴力案件,增派警察加强巡逻是非常必要的。
( British) paid magistrate ( appointed by the Home Secretary) dealing with police cases. (英国)被内政大臣指定的处理冶安案例的领薪冶安官员。
You will need an order signed by the home secretary. 你将需要一份由内务大臣签署的命令。